Harbor Berths
Mission Creek Harbor supports 35 pleasure boating berths, and 20 berths for floating homes. The Harbor maintains a waiting list to fill pleasure boat berths. You are welcome but please note the following rules to join the waitlist:
Credit Checks are required prior to berthing. Prior berthing locations and references may be requested.
An annual non‐refundable fee of $100.
Removal from the list will result in the forfeiture of all paid fees.
Nonpayment of fees for 4 months after the Due month will result in removal from the waitlist.
There is no waiting list for floating homes.
If you are interested in being added to the pleasure boat berth waiting list, please complete the form below and the Harbor will follow-up with you.
If you are already on the waiting list, and are curious about your position on the list, please refer to the the chart below, which is updated monthly.
If you have other questions about Mission Creek Harbor, contact us here.
If you have encountered difficulty with the 3rd or 4th Street Bridge, please file a simple online report using this form.
Current Waitlist